2011 , Vol 6 , Num 4
Taking out Intralenticular Foreign Body
1Kütahya Kent Hastanesi, Göz Hastalıkları, Kütahya, Uz. Dr.2Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Göz Hastalıkları, Isparta, Prof. Dr. Forty seven years old male patient applied to our clinic complaining with foreign body in his left eye. We established metallic foreign body which had stuck into cyristalline lens penetrating kornea and iris in his examination. The patient has had full vision (Snellen 1.0) and there was no leakage from penetration line. There wasn't other foreign body except cyristalline lens in orbital tomography. The patient who didn't accept operation applied with complaining low vision in his left eye two weeks later. Visiual acuity was 0.1 (Snellen) in his examination. Foreign body which has been located in posterior lens cortex was taken out with intraocular forceps after the nucleus was aspirated with phacoemulsification. Intraocular lens was implanted in the bag after cortex aspiration. Patient was discharged at postoperative three hours. Visual acuity was established 1.0 at postoperative 7th day follow up. Keywords : Foreign body, iron, siderosis