2008 , Vol 3 , Num 1
Optic Disc Imaging by Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph in Tilted Disc Syndrome
1İstanbul Bilim Üniv., Avrupa Florence Nighthingale EAH Göz Kliniği, İstanbul, Asist. Dr.2İstanbul Bilim Üniv., Avrupa Florence Nighthingale EAH Göz Kliniği, İstanbul, Yard. Doç. Dr.
3İstanbul Bilim Üniv., Avrupa Florence Nighthingale EAH Göz Kliniği, İstanbul, Prof. Dr. Purpose: To compare the changes in optic disc parameters with Heidelberg retinal tomograph (HRT 2) in tilted disc syndrome with glaucoma and without glaucoma and to evaluate the reliability of these parameters.
Materials and Methods: Twenty-nine eyes with tilted disc syndrome of 15 patients, 7 with glaucoma and, 8 without glaucoma, were included in to our study. In all cases, optic disc topography was determined with HRT. Optic disc parameters were measured, and tilted disc patients with glacoma and without glaucoma was were compared for optisc disc parameters; such as cup area, cup/disc arearatio, rim area, cup volume, rim volume, cup shape measure, maximum depth in contour, and the moorfields Moorfields classification.
Results: There is was no significant difference between tilted disc patients with glaucomaand those without glaucoma in the parameters;terms of cup area, cup/disc area ratio, rim area, cup volume, rim volume, or maximum depth in contour. In tilted disc patients with glaucoma cup shape measure was measured like normal intraocular pressure (close to zero), and in tilted disc patients without glaucoma, it was measured like glaucomatous patients (far from zero, compared to normal values).
Conclusion: According to the moorfields Moorfields classification, among 14 eyes of tilted disc patients with glaucoma; , 9 is were outside the of normal limits, 3 is were borderline, and 2 is inwere within the normal limits; and among 15 eyes of tilted disc patients without glaucoma; , 9 is were outside theof normal limits, 1 is was borderline, and 5 is inwere within the normal limits. According to our study, HRT results in tilted disc syndrome without glaucoma areis similar to those in tilted disc syndrome with glaucoma results,. Eespecially in tilted disc patients with upper normal limit of intraocular pressure and normal computerized visual fields, we have to be careful with glaucoma treatment because it may be unnecessary because ofdue to the wrongincorrect HRT results in HRT. Keywords : Cup/disc area ratio, cup shape measure, rim volume, maximum cup depth, tilted disc