2007 , Vol 2 , Num 3
A Case whit a Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome
1S.B. Ankara Atatürk E.A. Hastanesi 2. Göz Kliniği, Ankara, Uzm. Dr.2S.B. Ankara Atatürk E.A. Hastanesi 2. Göz Kliniği Başasist., Ankara, Op. Dr.
3S.B. Ankara Atatürk E.A. Hastanesi 2. Göz Kliniği Klinik şefi, Ankara, Doç. Dr. Acute, nonenfectious enflamation which occur after intraoculer surgery due to a toxic agent in the anterior chamber is known as toxic anterior segment syndrome (TASS). It is characterized of decrease in visual acuraty, increase of intraocular pressure, fibrin reaction or hypopyon in anterior chamber, irregular pupil and complications such as periphery anterior adhesives, resistant glaoucoma or bullous keratopathy. Distunguishing of bacterial endophtalmitis, diagnosing and appropriate managment of this table are determine of prognosis.
The diagnosis, managment and distunguising are discussed for a case whom develop TASS after 3rd. day of uncomplicated cataract surgery. Keywords : Toxic anterior segment syndrome